* Progressive Values

When asked what does "progressive" mean, there may be several responses.

First - When there is a conflict between the interests of 'We The People' and the interests of 'the wealthy, corporate elites', on which side are you? Progressive are with 'We The People'. The polls (click HERE) show that a large majority are with We The People! A Robert Reich 2 minute video (HERE) explains the difference between progressives and conservatives (regressives).

Second - Progressives have values that include the following:
1. A fair and just economic system which includes workers right to organize for fair working conditions, a fair tax system with a progressive income tax, and an effective and fair judicial system.
2. A strong, efficient, effective, and transparent government with power coming from We the People which defends our civil liberties, our environment, and provide justice for all.
3. Social and economic security coming from strong Social Security and Medicare programs; access to quality, affordable healthcare for all; a quality public education system for everyone, and
4. Smart national security with international diplomacy and cooperation as key component in addition to a strong military force.
5 Progressives want quality and open public media, plus fair and transparent elections, and representatives.

- A longer list of progressive values includes:
1. A fair progressive tax system is good for economic stability and democracy.
2. An effective public education system is necessary in a democracy.
3. There are many things that are in the public interest and for the common good which should not be privatized.
4. Effective government protection of individual liberties and the environment is important.

5. Diplomacy not militarism should be the cornerstone of our foreign policy.
6. Fair, transparent, and verifiable elections are important in a democracy.
7. As economic inequality between those at the top of the economic ladder and everyone else grows, democracy suffers.
8. Corporations have their place but they are not natural persons and should not have the same rights as natural citizens.
9. A "not for profit, medicare for all" health insurance system is the best way to deliver healthcare.
10. A large number of strong, independent, and varied media sources are good for democracy.
11. The right of workers to collectively organize in the workplace to stand up for their rights is good for democracy.
12. We must have rules about money spent on elections and money/gifts given to elected officials after elections.

Here are some other sources of information about "What is a progressive?"

* Article on Promoting Progressive Values. Click HERE!
* Ten Progressive Values from Progressive Values website. Click HERE!

* Book called "The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be" by Michael Lux (2009) 
* Book called "Framing The Future: How Progressive Values Can Win Elections and Influence People" by Bernie Horn (2008)
* Report on "What Do Progressives Believe?" Click
* Article on "Ten Myths Conservatives Believe About Progressives" by Sara Robinson. Click HERE.
* Article on "Are We All Progressives Now?" - Click HERE!
* Statement of principles from the Vermont Progressive Party. Click
* Statement of principles from the Justice USA Party - Click
* Click
HERE for 10 Justice Principles for America from Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. Citizens and leaders should bear them in mind as we seek to restore our spiritual, moral, and democratic values.